We are currently open for new Recruits.

Whether we are open or closed for recruitment, applications are always welcomed from friends and relatives of existing members (but see below) Previous Members can always return..
Greetings and welcome to The Elders' forum.
The Elders are on the Laurelin Server!
Just a quick request to anyone who wishes to apply to our Kinship: please register to the forum with the same name you use in-game. That bit is compulsory, and if you register with a different name and join us, we will change your name to your Main name (which you select)!
We do keep numbers of recruits at manageable levels to make the process of integration smoother for everyone. That may occasionally mean that you will not be able to join immediately. You should check this thread http://www.theelders.org.uk/phpbb3/view ... =84&t=8622 to see if we're open to new Recruits at the moment. Please also take a while to read our Kinship Charter - we take it very seriously!

If we are currently closed to recruitment but you are applying as a close friend or relative of an existing Member, you should talk to him/her first. The current member MUST endorse your application in your thread.
Thank you very much,
The Elders
This is a public forum! Anything posted can be Googled. We suggest you give just your first names and nationality and no identifying details in your description. However, you must tell us your age as we do have an age limit.
Copy and paste the form below into a new thread
About you (in real-life):
Tell us a bit about yourself:
What is your previous LoTRO experience (including previous kinships)?
Why do you want to join The Elders?
What do you plan to do with your time (e.g. raiding, levelling, questing)?
About your LOTRO character:
Trade skills: