Tovallion's Application

Applications for membership of The Elders kinship on Laurelin.

Moderators: Cara, Kinmeet Moderators, Kinship Officers

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Tovallion's Application

Post by Tovallion »

About you (in real-life):

Name: Gianluca
Age: 55
Nationality: Italian

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Well, my job is software developer, main using python frameworks, DB architect on PostgreSQL, Linux System administrator (Debian world), Docker/Kubernetes containerization world.
Hobbies: fishing, MTBing, I play saxophone, tin whistle, guitar, ukulele, irish bouzouki

What is your previous LoTRO experience (including previous kinships)?
I played LoTRO since the beginning, never subscribed, had bad experience with WoW. always liked the effort to stay stuck to the book and limit the reference to the P.J. movies.

Why do you want to join The Elders?
A relaxed place where we all know the real life challenges but still like to enjoy to play a game like this one and being a fan of Sir J.R.R. Tolkien since I was 12, well here I am
What do you plan to do with your time (e.g. raiding, levelling, questing)?
I changed server to follow my daughter character ( I just discovered I was playing on Evernight with my guardian, lvl 119 while her decided to play on laurelin...), so currently I'm playing on Tovallion, a good old Guardian lvl 41 trying to keep up, so leveling and questing are the main activities. I'd like to discover raids but I dunno, mayne they're too long and complex.

About your LOTRO character:

Name: Tovallion
Class: Guardian Elf
Level: 41
Trade skills (if you mean Crafting): I am an armourer, set aside tailoring and pushing to the max prospector and metalsmith

See you around, bye
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Re: Tovallion's Application

Post by Jedy »

Elves, Elves, Elves...

Raids are short and fun. :mrgreen: But you'll have to get to 140 by yourself. :(
The Slave Code.
When our ambition is bounded, it leads us to work joyfully.
When our ambition is unbounded, it leads us to lie, to cheat, to hurt others.
When our fears are bounded, we're prudent, we're cautious, we're thoughtful.
When our fears are unbounded and overblown, we're reckless and cowardly.
Our bounds make us free.

:grd: 140 - Jedy - "Some people come to a party naked, expecting to be accepted and embraced, cause we love one another. Well, Dwarfs don’t do love."
:cpt: 140 Jedyna "Frustra vivit, qui nemini prodest."
:rk: 140 - Hotta - "Hard rains are gonna fall."
:chn: 140 - Jedyknight
:min: 140 - Guardiana :min: 140 - Jedette - "Why heal if you can kill?"
:hnt: 140 - Idariel - "Old people should be killed. Preemptively. In the cradles."
:beo: 140 Jeddar :lm: Zlalala 140 - :brg: Rollisa 140 :wdn: Jedward :cpt: 140 - Besbe - :rk: 140 Hotar :grd: 140 Jedarette
The Unready 130 wdn: Jedward
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Re: Tovallion's Application

Post by Ranatuor »

Huge apologies! I missed looking at the forums. If you haven't already been added, I'll look out for you. Likewise, look out for Ranatuor and I'll get you into kin.

:hnt: Ranatuor (130)
[and many other alts]
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass."
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Re: Tovallion's Application

Post by Cara »

I, too, haven't been looking at the forums - catching up on everything after Christmas. Sorry! And you're very welcome.

Hoping Rana got hold of you but if not I'll look out for you. :)

Otherwise, look for 'Elders' in the social panel. Ask someone to ping an Officer for an invite :)

Standard blurb: You'll be a Recruit for 21 days while we get to know each other and during that time you can only have your main in the kin (it's easier to get to know someone before they devolve into hundreds of different alts. :)) Once you're all settled, we do expect Members not to have characters in different kinships (we can't stalk you, so this is just on your honour!) There are a number of exceptions. It's absolutely fine to have your own personal kinship, as we know some people like to own kinhouses and so on. We're also ok with you having an alt in a kin for something we're not really able to provide - such as an RP or PvP kin - but please do talk to me or an Officer about it. You'll find us very understanding.
"A true gentleman is one who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't."
-R. Acket

Cara (130 - raider) :min: ....................................... Carathiel (mooser)(105) :lm:
Cararose (130 - raider) :hnt: ....................................... Caraleth (130 - Mooser) :rk:
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