Application for Serengileth

Applications for membership of The Elders kinship on Laurelin.

Moderators: Cara, Kinmeet Moderators, Kinship Officers

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Application for Serengileth

Post by Serengileth »

Name: Sarah Elliott
Age: 57
Nationality: British
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I'm a teacher. I live in South Wales and work in Cardiff. I have 4 children now grown and fled the nest, the youngest two play LOTRO off and on.

What is your previous LoTRO experience (including previous kinships)? I started playing in about 2009, I can't remember when I stopped but my highest level characters are 100 so I'm guessing 2014 / 15. Friends and kinnies moved onto SWTOR which I also played for a while. I have 15 characters, but rolled Serengileth when I came back to the game to help me remember game play from the beginning.

For most of that time I was an active member of the True Taters kinship. Unfortunately that folded when key members left the game for various reasons including a migration to SWTOR. I still miss them! :( I was in a couple of other kins after that, but didn't feel the same connection.

Why do you want to join The Elders? I searched for current kinships and, partly because I am an older player, The Elders seemed to be the sort of group I'm looking for.

What do you plan to do with your time (e.g. raiding, levelling, questing)?
I'm planning to level Serengileth right up to follow the story line through. I'd like to do some instances / raiding - happy memories of Draigoch and Moria beasties back in the day. I expect that's all changed now!

About your LOTRO character:

Name: Serengileth
Class: Champion
Level: 49 and counting...
Trade skills: Metalsmith & Weaponsmith (using my alts to farm to help her level crafting & guild rep)
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Re: Application for Serengileth

Post by Eis »

Hi Sarah.
Glad I could finally catch up with you last night in game and get you into the kinship.
You'll see the same group of people in game most days as you're playing now - mostly 150s but there are a few levelling as well. Some are returning players like you, others are levelling alts.
As you get into Moria, and the new legendary system I expect you'll have questions, so shout in kinchat and I'm sure some knowledgeable Elder will be able to help.

Welcome to the Elders.
:chn:Eiswyn :wdn: Eislo :rk: Eiskald :hnt: Eisedhel :cpt: Eisadan :lm: Eisor :min:Eistel
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