Application Isilmenisse

Applications for membership of The Elders kinship on Laurelin.

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Application Isilmenisse

Post by Isilmenisse »

Greetings all and well met.

Here is a little bit about me (in real-life):

Name: Tonia
Age: A lady never reveals her exact age but I am a younger Gen X baby.
Nationality: British
Tell us a bit about yourself: Where to begin :D I am a life long fantasy and history fan. I have been a roleplayer and gamer since before MMORPGS! (Table top DnD anyone? :D ) I first heard LOTR via the Radio 4 series that I heard as a child. In-between the episodes I would read the books with my mother. I have played DnD and that led to online gaming when the internet arrived! I have a family and a busy life, I am a teacher by trade :D I have played many games online mostly within the genre of MMORPGS! I began way back with Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale and then Everquest. For a while I helped to moderate the old Black Isle Studio forums and was invited to play WoW beta from Asherons Call. Too many games over the years BUT I always return to LOTRO and love everything about it. No other game has captured my interest for so long and this is the only one I return to.

What is your previous LoTRO experience (including previous kinships)? I joined at the start and was part of the original Free Company on Evernight and have been on Laurelin for a few years. I was once a member of the silver blades (Lia) but I haven't seen any around for a good few years so I have been a sporadic, solo player but now I am seeking a new kin.

Why do you want to join The Elders? I love being part of a kin. I am not a purist but I love the game, the stories and the people. Although I often potter around by myself it is so much better with likeminded people to share it with.

What do you plan to do with your time (e.g. raiding, levelling, questing)? I love questing but I am slow, I really enjoy the storylines, exploring community and kin events. In fact it is the social aspect that I enjoy the most. I enjoy roleplaying my character but am not adverse to chatting away ooc to kin in chat. I am happy, helpful and pretty experienced but am also often a bit of a noob. Ultimately I want to immerse myself in a world I love, play, have fun, make friends and have a grand old time :D

About your LOTRO character:

Name: Isilmenisse (this is my fresher evolved character now)
Class: High Elf Hunteress
Trade skills: Aside from a wiley sense of humor, jolly banter and a twinkle in my eye? I am working on Isils skills. I usually opt for tailor or woodworker with a dabble in cooking and brewing on the side.

I look forward to seeing you all in Middle earth :D

If you aren't bored yet and fancy a read then below is Isil's in game Bio


......... For 3000 years I slept............

We had fought ....a seemingly endless battle .......many had been lost ...... even my ... King ...Those eyes burned into my soul .....and then .... nothing but the darkness of a spiralling void until .......

familiar voices and faces greeted me. Cutting through the fog of a thousand fitfull nightmares. I woke, gasping and clawing at sheets lost in confusion for moments ....... he....where... was he even ........? So many questions remained unanswered .......

"are you ready Isil..." the voice of my old friend shook me out of my daydream... a dream? ....A nightmare I cannot shake .......

I had spent the weeks since I first opened my eyes here in Imladris. Elrond's haven of peace, healing and tranquility. The unwaivering companionship of Elrond and Harthalin as I Slowly pieced together the stories of my past.... the fate of my king .....our kins .... through the pain of shattered memories....... our bonds of friendship forged through the ages.....unbreakable......

"I'm ready" a slow nod as i held his gaze. many words unsaid flowing between us, left hanging in the air.

With a soft smile I took a step towards Elladan and Elrohir, their energy bright, youthful, eyes full of a hundred questions. There would be plenty of time for those. the journey to .... what had he called it 'Celondin' ... was long.

"Isil?" I paused and turned my gaze back to him, Elrond, my brother in arms, my earliest childhood companion, my oldest friend "Baren bar lin. Sílo Anor bo men lín."

"Na-den pedim ad, No i Melain na le" I smiled as I reached back for his hand. "farewell .... for now" almost a whisper as I released his hand and continued towards his sons who were waiting for me.

Out there.......... somewhere maybe my family, my parents and my twin.......... And maybe ............. new friends and companions.

The world has changed and so Have I..........

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Re: Application Isilmenisse

Post by Valkrist »

Elven Hunters are the best!
Valkrist Level 140 Elf :chn: (Minas Ithil Weaponsmith) (Raider)
Valdarion Level 140 Elf :hnt: (Minas Ithil Jeweller) (Raider)
Valendor Level 140 Elf :min: (Minas Ithil Tailor) (Raider)
Valedan Level 140 Elf :grd: (Minas Ithil Metalsmith) (Mooser-Raider)
Vallenya Level 140 High Elf :rk: (Minas Ithil Scholar) (Raider)
Valendir Level 130 Elf :lm: (Minas Ithil Scholar) (future Raider)
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Re: Application Isilmenisse

Post by Cara »

Hey there Tonia! sorry it's taken a little while to get back to you. RL very demanding at the moment.

We're open for recruitment and we'd feel very happy to have you. The kin is probably about one-third "smelling the roses" as they wander ME, one third progressing steadily and like a bit of group stuff when they're there and one-third (what I like to call...) over-achievers who hit level cap 12hrs after an expac. :lol: And we all get along very well, because we're all too old to squabble about silly stuff. And we're all children inside.

Look for "Elders" in the Social Panel, and ping anyone to ask an Officer to give you an invite. :)

Standard blurb: You'll be a Recruit for 21 days while we get to know each other and during that time you can only have your main in the kin (it's easier to get to know someone before they devolve into hundreds of different alts. :)) Once you're all settled, we do expect Members not to have characters in different kinships (we can't stalk you, so this is just on your honour!) There are a number of exceptions. It's absolutely fine to have your own personal kinship, as we know some people like to own kinhouses and so on. We're also ok with you having an alt in a kin for something we're not really able to provide - such as an RP or PvP kin - but please do talk to me or an Officer about it. You'll find us very understanding.


"A true gentleman is one who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't."
-R. Acket

Cara (130 - raider) :min: ....................................... Carathiel (mooser)(105) :lm:
Cararose (130 - raider) :hnt: ....................................... Caraleth (130 - Mooser) :rk:
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Re: Application Isilmenisse

Post by Ranatuor »

Hi Tonia,
Welcome to the Elders!
If you haven't already been added, I'll try to be on tonight :)

--Rana (aka Tim)
:hnt: Ranatuor (130)
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Re: Application Isilmenisse

Post by Isilmenisse »

Hi everyone.

Thank you so much for the replies and warm welcomes. I completely understand work and family obligations so there is never any worry or rush :D. I will be around now until Sunday pm so I am sure I will be able to track you down! The rules sound great. Isil is my main on Laurelin, I actually have 2 of her, one is a ranger and one is a Loremaster because I love both classes but can never choose. Either way I play her as the same person not separate. She is that old she could well have learnt other skills over her millenniums is what I think. I would love to have them both in the Kin after the first 21 days, if that is allowed. Failing that I am happy to choose just one to focus on. Whatever works best. :D
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Re: Application Isilmenisse

Post by Ranatuor »

Once you have got past the "getting to know each other period" you can bring in all you want :)
I am logged in now, if you are about.
:hnt: Ranatuor (130)
[and many other alts]
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass."
Shared crafting facilities - 2 Waterbank Road, Nan-e-Faer, Falathlorn Homesteads, Ered Luin
Card-carrying member of the BLACK BOOK CLUB (tm).
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