Ten years ago, some elderly people shuffled their way into Middle-earth and bumped into one another. A kin was born. A group of grumpy old people formed an alliance of free peoples to fight whatever the big fiery eye sent at them. Many walking sticks were poked in the general direction of Mordor.
Now, ten years later we, The Elders Kinship, invite you - kin, family, friends and others - to join in a BIG celebratory party. So… Friday 26th May, 8pm UK/9pm CET. There will be a horse race, fireworks, a just-for-fun quiz and boozing! Please join us, you are most welcome! More details to follow…
10 years of Elders...
Moderators: Cara, Kinship Officers
10 years of Elders...

[and many other alts]
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass."
Shared crafting facilities - 2 Waterbank Road, Nan-e-Faer, Falathlorn Homesteads, Ered Luin
Card-carrying member of the BLACK BOOK CLUB (tm).